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applied chemistry 應用化學。

applied mathematics

The paper , aimming at the reform of speciality courses in applied chemistry , discusses the setting principles and connotation of the courses in applied chemistry in our university , concludes its characteristics and prodominances , evaluates its level and generalizing value 摘要文章以改革應用化學本科專業課程體系為目標,論述了我校新建的應用化學本科專業課程體系的設置原則及其內涵,總結了我校應用化學本科專業課程體系具有的特色和優勢,評價了我校應用化學專業課程體系的水平和推廣價值。

The science and technology service ltd . of changchun institute of applied chemistry ( ciac ) , chinese academy of sciences was founded in october 2000 on the basis of rear service center according to the requirements of the national knowledge innovation system 中國科學院所屬研究所的后勤服務社會化改革是中國科學院實施知識創新工程工作的一項重要內容,是關系研究所發展和維系穩定的重要問題之一。中國科學院長春應用化學研究所在推進后勤服務社會化改革方面進行了積極的探索和嘗試。

1 . the project ’ s summarization this project , on the basis of national key sci - tech problem tackling applied foundation research achievement by china science institute changchun applied chemistry research school , approved by former jilin province planning commission and risk investment done by changchun tianfeng high and new technology co . , ltd . then hosted by jilin province development and reform commission , jilin province sci - tech department , and check and accepted by china science institute changchun applied chemistry research school on feb . 2 , 2005 為打破國外壟斷,我國科學家從80年代就開始鉆研這項技術,終于于2004年在該項技術領域有所重大突破,其兩項核心技術已先后獲得國家發明專利權,還有幾項核心專有技術將在適當的商業時機申請國內外專利, 2005年2月2日該項通過了國家鑒定驗收。

Medical faculty students , applied chemistry with management studies , biochemistry , biology , chemistry and molecular biotechnology majors and chemistry minors cannot take this course to fulfill general education requirements . ) (醫學院學生、應用化學與管理學、生物化學、生物、化學及分子生物技術學主修生及化學副修生不得選修本科作通識教育科目。

Cas institutes in changchun include changchun institute of optics fine mechanics and physics , changchun institute of applied chemistry , changchun institure of geography and agricultural ecology and changchun observatory naoc 隨著知識經濟時代的來臨,我國在經濟發展中確立了走新型工業化道路的方針,突出強調發展以高科技產業為先導的產業格局。

Medical faculty students , applied chemistry with management studies , biochemistry , biology , chemistry and molecular biotechnology majors and chemistry minors cannot take this course to fulfill general education requirements (醫學院學生、應用化學與管理學、生物化學、生物、化學及分子生物技術學主修生及化學副修生不得選修本科作通識教育科目。

Changchun institute of applied chemistry , chinese academy of sciences ( ciac ) contributed great inventions to the national defence and economy undertakings during the decades development 中國科學院長春應用化學研究所是一所歷史悠久、聲譽卓著的綜合性化學研究所,曾為我國的科技和國防發展建設做出過重要貢獻。

Applied chemistry with management studies majors , biochemistry majors , chemistry majors and minors and students who have taken gee238mugb238m cannot take this course to fulfill general education requirements . ) (應用化學與管理學主修生、生物化學主修生、化學副修生及不得選修本科作通識教育科目。

Applied chemistry with management studies majors , biochemistry majors , chemistry majors and minors and students who have taken gee238m ugb238m cannot take this course to fulfill general education requirements (應用化學與管理學主修生、生物化學主修生、化學副修生及不得選修本科作通識教育科目。

Applied chemistry with management studies majors ; medical faculty students ; biochemistry and chemistry majors and minors cannot take this course to fulfill general education requirements . ) (應用化學與管理學主修生、醫學院、生物化學及化學副修生不得選修本科作通識教育科目。

Applied chemistry with management studies majors ; medical faculty students ; biochemistry and chemistry majors and minors cannot take this course to fulfill general education requirements (應用化學與管理學主修生、醫學院、生物化學及化學副修生不得選修本科作通識教育科目。

Experimental teaching is an important link of practice teaching of applied chemistry speciality and it is essential for training practice ability and creative spirit of students 摘要實驗教學是應用化學專業重要的實踐教學環節,是培養大學生實踐能力和創新精神所必需的。

Applied chemistry with management studies majors ; chemistry majors and minors cannot take this course to fulfil general education requirements . ) (應用化學與管理學主修生及化學副修生不得選修本科作通識教育科目。

Applied chemistry with management studies majors ; chemistry majors and minors cannot take this course to fulfil general education requirements (應用化學與管理學主修生及化學副修生不得選修本科作通識教育科目。

Laboratory of electroanalytical chemistry , changchun institute of applied chemistry , chinese academy of sciences , changchun , 130022 中國科學院長春應用化學研究所,電分析化學開放研究實驗室,長春, 130022

The meaning and the plan implementation of open laboratory of applied chemistry speciality are discussed in this paper 本文對開放式應用化學專業實驗室建設的意義、建設方案的實施等進行了探討。

Zou juan ren chun li tiejun chen lirong wang xiangyun liu yuanfang division of applied chemistry , department of technical physics , 鄒娟,任春,李鐵軍,陳麗蓉,王祥云,劉元方

And there are three departments left in the science school : applied physics , applied chemistry , and computer science 本部計有應用化學系應用物理系資訊科學系等三個學系。

Associate director , applied chemistry with management studies program the chinese university of hong kong 香港中文大學應用化學與管理學課程副主任